Two things Bolivians love are Jesus and Coke—which is why I got this pic! Along with pics of me and Elder Rivera and some random pics of Cochabamba.
Transportation is by truffes, these buses that have set routes. It's actually nice because there are a trillion of them so you just walk out to anywhere on the street, wait 30 seconds, and one will stop and pick you up, only for 2 bolivianos, the only bad thing is they are tinnnnnnnnnnny, even for a Bolivian they are small. I am gonna have scolioses by the end of my mission, cramming into those things but it's all good! Wouldn't trade it for anything :D
So much has happened this past week, so this is gonna be a crazy email with a bunch of random stuff, and I don't have much time so hopefully you can follow it lol. Also the stupid keyboard is covered in plastic so I type like half as fast. So we flew for a day and a half and I missed a night of sleep, my first all nighter and it sucked. We hung out at the mission home and Wednesday we got our comps and our area! My area is Sipe Sipe, its like 30ish miles east of Cochabamba, in the suburbs. It is suuuuuuper ghetto. Houses made out of dirt, on top of each other, eroding walls, just kinda what you would expect from a poor third world country. Stray dogs and kids everywhere haha. The people are awesome though, the ward mission leader and his family are like my new family, keeping me sane.They are super nice and friendly and funny; I am like their new 7' white son. He even learned some english phrases to help me. It's him and his wife and their kids and some nieces living with them, they are awesome.
Also the members here are the best, so nice and friendly I love them so much. Last night we had a family night type thing at one of their houses and played all these games, it was reallly fun. One of the games was you have to say this stupid phrase to the person next to you, and they pass it around the circle, but you have to say it with a certain emotion, and you can't laugh. It sounds dumb but it's hilarious haha you try and make people laugh and you cant, idk if my explanation made sense but yeah I love the members. Also every day our pensionista makes an amazing lunch, and a ton of it and I can barely finish it. We get to play basketball Thursday nights, and soccer too. No joke the other day we were walking down the street and a man came out of his house, and asked if he could play basketball with us lol, we told him come to the church Thursday night! We have a ton of investigators, it's way easy to get a return appointment cause people are so chill, we're like, "When is best?" and they're just like "Whenever you want to come over you are welcome to."
So thank heavens we have a lot of teaching appointments, I like that way better than knocking doors. It's interesting cause like in Utah, a 4 yr old kid knows the plan of salvation, and here, no one knows it so you are actually teaching! It's fun, I still don't know much Spanish though. I can understand ok, but I am pretty slow when I speak. We have been working a ton, and have only had to knock on 5 doors haha that's how many appointments we have. When they answer I say "Hi we're missionaries" and they say something I don't understand, then my companion says something along the lines of, "vñasdflvasñfgiasñlqioznozuyh xyegbdfkscbn eñdflkpfeñepofjpeicjñapeofjññapeafef la iglesia de Jesucristo zmqixmowjecnowemcpwerifjwpc,pwcmo" And 3 minutes later, we have a return appointment. We dish out pamphlets like candy here, and then after the first lesson we give a book of mormon. My comp. is Elder Rivera from Peru, he is way cool, I am his last companion. It sucks not being able to speak english, it gets you kind of down cause there is literally no one to actually talk to, cause no one speaks english. Friday we had a zone meeting and there were a few american elders and holy cow you have no idea how great it felt to speak some english, and just talk, it helped me a lot. Also today we hung out with our zone, which is awesome we're already pretty close, I can talk to anyone as long as it is in english lol. Also, I legit am asked, by every single person I meet, without doubt, "Cuanto mide" Or how much do you measure? The average Bolivian makes it to about the bottom of my shoulder. So that's about a tenth of what has happened this week lol, I will update next week, and hopefully have more time so my email makes sense, thanks for all the emails, love you all!
Elder Swenson