Monday, March 27, 2017

Missions are Worth the Hard Work

Comp's birthday!

Got free food, thought I'd send the pic home cause I can't instagram it

Met an investigator 9 days ago and she's been to church twice and is progressing super fast, she'll be baptised before i leave Sipe Sipe at this rate, owns a giant lecheria so always hooks it up with like chocolate milk or ice cream.

Church is awesome, always puts me in a good mood, tons of good members.

A different investigator that also came yesterday shared an interesting comment lol we were going around sharing our favorite scriptures and we get to him and no joke he's like yeah i found this good quote from Marilyn Manson, and the quote was something along the lines of "satanism is not about worship of the devil, but more about expressing who you are and believing what you want to believe, not what others want you to believe" and he was dead serious, no one knew what to say super awkward.

On a side note, Conference this week! Super pumped.

All is good here, there are a looooot of ups and downs in a mission, sometimes I feel pregnant or something cause I will be frustrated or mad and it'll be a million degrees and we'll have nothing to do but contact for 4 hours but then we'll meet someone super cool or teach a good lesson or something then I'll be happy again lol, missions are definitely worth it tho.

Have a good week all

Elder G

Monday, March 20, 2017

If You're Sad, You're Thinking Only of Yourself

Sitting on an old crappy bridge
Found this friend on my bed 
Drunk guy jumping to be my height
Double rainbow all the way

My comp's b-day

Forgot a funny story from last week, during Sacrament in good ol Tres Cruces Bolivia, someone was up at the little podium thing and in the middle of her testimony this dude just swings open the door (right by the podium) and was either in a really great mood or just no quite sober haha and heys like ayyyyyyyy and waves to everyone, and it's custom in Bolivia to greet everyone when  you walk into the room and so he just started shaking everyones hand, me and my comp couldnt handle it and just burst out dying in laughter, it was great!

Listened to a super good conference talk from Gordon B. Hinckley this week, I don't remember exactly what it was about but there was a good quote, he said something like "If you're sad or unhappy its only because you're thinking of yourself" which may sound sort've obvious or cliche but it's super true and helped a lot. 

Met an investigator Saturday night, invited her to church the next morning, we stopped by Sunday morning and she shut down her whole store and walked with us to church, barely knew us 12 hours.

Comps b-day today, turning 24, flippin old

More greatness to come

Elder G 

Monday, March 13, 2017

13,000 ft. in the Andes Mountains

The church in Tres Cruces is smaller than most American living rooms

We went to a place called Tres Cruces, it's in our area because our area is the farthest from the city so there's no border going away from Cochabamba, it's about an hour from Sipe Sipe and a dope drive cause it's through the Andes mountains and there's some awesome views. The pic I sent doesn't do justice, it's just mountain peaks everywhere. Tres Cruces is by one of the mountain peaks, at over 13,000 feet, and that white house in the pic is the church where they meet. We came and dropped off clothes and food, and toys that were supposed to be Christmas presents lol everything is behind schedule in Bolivia. Super cool little community, the amazing thing is they are way happy and chill.

Also we're homies with the caretaker of the golf course now so she invited us over to play soccer on the course lol not even golf, which is the group pic with all of us on the grass.

Haven't had running water in the house for 4 days now which makes no sense cause i'ts been raining super hard all week.

Splits with Zone Leader who is from the states, super cool dude, also super trunky haha he goes home in under 100 days and talked all day about his future wife.

There's a super awesome lady who is the mom of our most recent baptism (she's already a member) her name is Mariah T. and she's just awesome, the other day she called us in the morning to see if we had time to visit her and we were like ye, we go to her house and she just served us lunch, and talked to us about the gospel, and then told us how awesome we are even tho we did nothing haha, she's very nice and sweet and humble, and has such a strong testimony. The church has been there for her in super tough times and yeah she's just an example. My comp read a scripture to her cause it went along with what we were talking about and she just started quoting it haha she's legit.

I finish 6 months tomorrow, we're gonna party, see yall soon.

Elder G

Monday, March 6, 2017

Sipe Sipe is a Good Area

To give you an idea of how much of a bro my comp is: He was listening and playing along on guitar to what sounded just like John Denver but I realized it was in Spanish, it was like Latin John Denver, so I asked him if he had heard of John Denver and he just looked at me and started playing and we sang John Denver it was adorable.

  • Taught this lady and she wrote down what we taught her so she could teach her brother in law
  • Hiked up to an old abandoned church

Fun night at a members house they had a barbecue and we just hung out, it tasted good but all dinner was was chicken hearts and potatoes haha sort've interesting but it was good, they had super good peanut butter soup/sauce thing to go with it, good night.

We're friends with the caretaker of the golf course now, she invited us to play soccer on the course lol not even golf.

Had an investigator come to some appointments with us, he's not a member yet and he's already helping with the work, super cool guy.

Different investigator also told us how amazing the church was and how she wishes she would've known about the church earlier, and says she wants to serve a mission.

Sipe Sipe is a good area.