Monday, May 28, 2018

Cereal and Chocolate Milk

Highlight of the week: Go to this 10 year old kid's house and his parents aren't there but he lets us in for the appt anyway, puts on dragon ball z, and gets us cereal with chocolate milk, the best refreshment i have ever received (cause its always coke and crackers (not that im ungrateful tho)) He knows how to treat the elders haha

Were in Uyuni today, it's deja vu cause I haven't been here for a year

My mission president is officially my favorite gospel teacher, he has a cool voice and speaks and enunciates clearly and expresses himself well, we had a lesson about why Adam and Eve went to paradise before coming to earth and why it was necesary.


s all

Monday, May 21, 2018

Double Digits

The catacombs at one of the churces

This 10 yo was baptized; his parents are investigators
I'm home in 99 days, which means real soon i will be needing the following:

A car, a gym lifting buddy, a girlfriend, a macbook, a job

Anyone that can help out in anyway, your help will be appreciated

We got to go back to Cochabamba for a meeting and it was amazing, I dont want to complain but i love Cochabamba, as the USA is to Cocha, Cocha is to Potosi...

We continue to knock on doors, and visit members all week, then play very short people in basketball on p days, it's a good process

On a much more somber note, our awesome pensionista's father passed away this week, so we spent a lot of time at their house, in Bolivia there are a million different traditions and customs and things you do when someone passes away, it's quite the process. The family wears black clothes for a whole year  and they stay with the body for a full day, they don.t leave. So it was just at their house and they like slept by the coffin with a million candles all over.  Then they wash allll of the dead person's clothes, fold them, then burn them and everyone chews coca leaves and smokes even tho no bolivians smoke, then they get drunk as heeeckkkkkk.

See ya

Monday, May 14, 2018

Cathedrals in Potosi

I'm just gonna send a bunch of pics

Went to some cathedrals today, there's like 23 here in Potosi

Skyyyyyyyyyype, I love my mother and mother's day 

We just knock a lot of doors

The area is cool tho

Sorry for a boring email

Proceed with your day, cool pics are coming

Monday, May 7, 2018

16 Weeks Left!

Just wanted to get err body's attention

The area of Potosi kind of is horrible to live in but there is cool people and the city is super cool

Diana got baptized this Saturday on her birthday, her family is hilarious and her grandma is a legend, her 3 year old grand daughter was acting up so she points to a picture of the little grand daughter and was like now thats an ugly little girl, so we watched a 75 year old and a 3 year old get into it (not that bad tho, we and the whole family just died laughing)

I'm having kids just to relive my childhood

So I got a horrible sore throat this week and Potosi is the worst place to get one, especially as a missionary, cause the air is cold and super dry, and were always outside walking and theres no air pressure so you have to breath a lot which further dries out your throat

Then later on in the week I got 3 cankers, one of which was on my tongue, so basically i havent been able to eat all week, (even with advil and numbing cough drops) God wants me to come home at 130 pounds

The Pensionista is awesome tho, and her family, I am still new but they are super nice and caring, and hooked it up with pills/home remedies which helped, she and her family were the MVPs of this week of starvation

Galatians 6:9 is one of my favorite scriptures and this week i realized that not only should we not be weary in well doing, but just don't get bored haha cause not to sound horrible i'm not tired or weary in missionary work but sometimes its a little mundane, even tho its with different people, i've been in the same, general setting of contacting and teaching, hundreds of times, so it gets a little monotonous not even tiring, but it does have its reward!