Monday, December 12, 2016

First Baptism!

Didn't realize I look reallllll tall and lerpy, especially next to darker, shorter, more stout people

Her name is Matilde, we baptized her yesterday, super awesome lady. I was praying everything went ok cause she is 81 years old, and we have had two baptismal dates fall through already, but everything went perfect! Except the water heater haha the water was cold but she was fine with it. Yeah awesome experience, a lot of the ward stayed after church to support her, and it was good to see how happy she was. She was crying tears of joy and all her new ward member friends came up and hugged and kissed her on the cheek, it was awesome. We were working with her granddaughter too but she got into some anti mormon stuff and also has been getting teased a little by her neighbors for having elders over which is super dumb, she was very ready too. So we will keep working with her.

Other than that is been real trunky here haha, my comp E' Riv got his Trunky papers they're called,it's info for your last week and the stuff you need to fill out and send back to the mission home and they send you your flight plans home, so between that and Christmas we have been a little trunky, but it's all good we're still working just fine. If anything it's a good thing cause he is always in a good mood, and also jamming out to Christmas music puts us in a good mood so yeah, December and Christmas is awesome.
Also, Bolivian food is not for white people holy crap (Lol literally...)
Had the Christmas mission devotional which was awesome, felt the Spirit super strong listening to the music and hearing everyone's testimony.
Also forgot to write about this like 2 weeks ago but we got to meet Elder Falabella, from the Quorum of the Seventy, I loved him cause he spoke very nice clear Spanish that I could understand. I think he's from Ecuador? He just taught us to work hard and motivate us and yeah.
That's pretty much it, not too much this week other than the baptism, thanks for all the emails!!

Elder Swenson

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