Monday, July 17, 2017

Family Night Inspiration

Met the new mission president, President Montoya from Peru, suuuper awesome guy, he taught a lesson on super deep, profound doctrine which blew us all away

Also his conversion story is cool. He grew up Catholic but always had questions about God and the church, he went to a ton of other churches, adventists, Jehova's Witnesses, other Christian churches, etc. but found that they were all missing different things, and one day two sister missionaries contacted him by accident, looking for someone else, and as they were walking away, one turned around and was like "you wouldn't want to hear a message about Jesus Christ would you?" and he was like heck yeah, they came in and he said they taught like crap haha, they didnt ask any questions or anything they just taught the first lesson, he said after he still had a million questions but he was interested in seeing how the Mormons were, he kept meeting with them, read the BoM in 2 days then Doctrine and Covenants as well, just looking for answers, and after praying and thinking for about 2 months he got baptized, and now he's a mission president

We traveled to Sucre, the Capitol of Boliva, and in the city area its suuuuuuper nice i forgot i was in Bolivia, it was super beautiful and nice, unfortunately we didn't have much time for pics and sightseeing, ill send a few pics later

Since we had to travel with like 30 plus missionaries we just rented a bus for the 4 hour drive and it was super fun to just chill with every one

No baptism, all her fam was out of town for an emergency so it got postponed

After knocking doors for like 4 hrs one day me and my comp were desperate for ideas for finding new people to teach, and we came up with the idea to do family nights at members houses and they can bring friends or investigators, we just wanted more member help cause there was none, so we were gonna bring it up in branch council and before we even said anything branch pres turns to us and basically tells us the same idea, like him and the whole branch and us had the same idea at the same time, super cool so now we have all the members addresses and numbers and fam nights scheduled, idk why but there was like no member help before, now there is, Uyuni is finally an area :D

Hopefully not too boring of an email, ill send cool pics later hopefully!

Elder G

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