Monday, August 7, 2017

Keep on Keepin' on

Finally got a care package of copies of the book of mormon, we have 3 awesome investigators we needed to give them too and had to wait which sucked

Parade on independence day

This boy thinks he can take me down


I'm out of Uyuni in a week and actually pretty sad cause there's some awesome people ill miss and it's so far away I wont be able to come back and visit in the mish

Since I don't really have any cool stories I'll just start writing more about some of our investigators

Contacted a cool guy this week on his doorstep, we were talking to him and he told us about the deaths of some loved ones and so again we were like would you like to know where they are?/what they're doing? and he leaves his house, gets in his car, and tells us to get in, so we taught plan of salvation, he was super interested, tons of questions, we'll visit him again this week, I'll probably only have one more with him, his names Raul

Another super cool fam we visited them for the first time and they were super nice and friendly, after like 2 min with the dad and you feel like you're best friends, awesome guy, also interested with a ton of questions, and kept telling us how they respected us as missionaries and would love to be in our shoes, meeting people and sharing the gospel, so that was cool, Jose and Amanda, 2 more cool people

It's sometimes brutal but it's good to be a missionary

Yesterday was independance day in Bolivia, they did parades for seriously almost 2 days straight it was crazy they party hard

So I lost my bible and I was asking my pensionista where i could get one and how much it would be to buy one and she's like here, she gets up and brings me a bible and gives it to me and she's like this is my sister's bible, the one that passed away, take good care of it, and when you're back in the states send me a pic of you and the bible and i was like wow, maybe its a good thing i lost my bible now i have one with meaning, it was sweet

Also my comp is awesome, and so is obedience, we've been following the rules almost completely perfectly and its been a noticeable difference, they aren't there to make us suffer but to help us, I've been more prepared, less trunky, working harder, having more fun, and feeling better about the mish. We're 2 white people in a hard area, and a place where some people don't like Americans but we're doing very well, I wont have a baptism before I leave but my comp will probably baptise some people we found, so obedience, the comp, and Uyuni have been good, learned a lot, and now were professionals at knocking doors and contacting


Elder Swenson

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