Monday, September 4, 2017

Eating Adventures and More Birthday Celebration

Second birthday - I'm people's height when sitting

A weird llamma store

Day of the pedestrian, no cars on the road this is a super busy street usually, its a cool holiday everyones just outside hangin out

With Elder Clark

Ate a goat brain this week

Since we have to contact a ton we have this game where i'll tell my comp a word and he has to somehow incorporate it into the contact, and then he'll do the same for me its actually pretty fun, a way to make contacting all day a little better

Were finding good people tho! found a good fam, the mom is interested, the dad is atheist lol we start the lesson and he's just like this happy old man who always looks like he's kinda smiling and he raises his hand is just like, "Why don't we talk about something else? :)" and then just smiles at me haha, (we had just gotten talking about like their whole fam and a bunch of other stuff for like 40 min so i was like ok were gonna talk about this for just a second) i think he liked the lesson tho, 

I love church on the mission, i also love members they're the freakin best

The pensionista's niece was born and they asked us to write down a bunch of American names so I just wrote like my family and a bunch of people i knew, they ended up picking Baylee, my comps girlfriend´s name

Also I love training, my comp is great and wants to work hard. I also love listening to his spanish hahaha, if you mess up a little on the conjugation it has a different meaning, like he just walks up to this dude chillin in the plaza, looks him dead in the eye and is like " ¿Creo en Dios? Do I believe in God?¨ and then the other day he was asking a kid if he had friends that were members of the church and before he said the last part the little kid just answers like uhh, yes? Do you have friends? Yes. It was great haha 

Love my comp, and the mish, and all of you

Elder Swenson

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