Monday, October 9, 2017

Baptism This Week

Beruska Ticona

Pensionista's kids

at the doctor

So we got a baptism this week, Beruska Ticona, she's cool, she was the only investigator here when I got here and she was pretty much already ready so we didn't do much

We didn't have a phone all week cause we lost it again, so we couldn't let anyone know about the baptism, so long story short it was stressful and we got everything ready super last minute but it worked out and was good

Met another investigator who's cool, apparently he's like a competitive rubix cuber, he can do one in like 16 seconds...

President Eyring said that conference should be the walk and talk of the church for the next 6 months until the next one, and another person said that we need to continually learn, and relearn principles of the Gospel, so we've been relistening to conference 

Thats all folks

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