We went to the bishops house yesterday for lunch after church and his mom, this old sweet lady, goes to the fridge and brings us each a rockstar energy drink haha they are the coolest family, the oldest son looks exactly like andy samberg, and acts like him too, we had a good time
We had a bunch of Conferences this week, and other stuff to do so not much of an update
Went on splits in my old area, Quillacollo is my favorite
We taught a guy about Joseph Smith and the restoration and after asked him what he thought of it and he's like i believe you, you're from a church you cant lie.
He will go far with that attitude
Last p day our appointment canceled so we were just kinda walkin around aimlessly and right when we happened to be walking by a members house, the door opens and a missionary from this mission that went home like 4 months ago from Colombia walks out, so we ate really good colombian food with the member family, blessings
More cool stuff happenned but i can't remember
Elder $wenson