Monday, December 18, 2017

Like a Rockstar

We went to the bishops house yesterday for lunch after church and his mom, this old sweet lady, goes to the fridge and brings us each a rockstar energy drink haha they are the coolest family, the oldest son looks exactly like andy samberg, and acts like him too, we had a good time

We had a bunch of Conferences this week, and other stuff to do so not much of an update

Went on splits in my old area, Quillacollo is my favorite

We taught a guy about Joseph Smith and the restoration and after asked him what he thought of it and he's like i believe you, you're from a church you cant lie.
He will go far with that attitude

Last p day our appointment canceled so we were just kinda walkin around aimlessly and right when we happened to be walking by a members house, the door opens and a missionary from this mission that went home like 4 months ago from Colombia walks out, so we ate really good colombian food with the member family, blessings

More cool stuff happenned but i can't remember

Elder $wenson

Monday, December 11, 2017

Teaching in Swim Shorts ;)

My comp Elder Davis from Oregon

Yesterday a huuuge pouring rain came out of nowhere so we stopped at an investigators house and they were very nice and gave us clothes to change in to and let our church clothes dry, so we taught a lesson in swimming shorts, and i was in a tiny sweater that was almost a belly shirt it was great

Got canceled on like all week so we walked a ton

It rained like crazy and our apartment flooded :D

We get in a taxi on Tuesday and notice the guys spanish isn't very good and his phone is in english so were like where are you from and he said EGYPT, so we spoke in english he had a super cool accent, taught us a little bit of arabic, and the coolest part was that he is Christian :D he was interested in the church cause he said he couldn't really learn much about it in Egypt he said its very hard being a Christian there

We worked with a member one day, one of the days we got canceled on a ton and he's a suuuper good guy, after getting canceled on he's like ok this isn't working, lets go to your house or to the church or something, we need to pray, unfortunately we were far and didn't follow his council and kept trying to visit other investigators in the area, but he had the right idea

Thats all

Monday, December 4, 2017

Contacting Trufis

Were eatin with a fam and the cake has a coffee flavor and the lady was like yeah its mocha its super good huh, were like does it have real coffee? and she's like yeah so we told her we couldn't consume coffee and it made the atmosphere nice and awkward cause we just left like half the cake, it was good tho

A lady got robbed on the street we live on the other day, like a tonnn of money, we helped her to the police station

Recently we've been contacting trufis which is super fun, a big one will have 11 or 12 people in the back part (or if were lucky its a bus of like 25 plus) well just talk to all of them then hand out cards, at first we were like yeah we could do like one a day and now its like every time we get on, its quite fun

We couldn't leave the house Saturday or Sunday this week due to Bolivian elections, and before almost throwing myself out the window due to boredom, i got a lot of good reading done, the scriptures are great, go read them. 

We couldn't even go to church yesterday which was weird... 

Thats all folks