Monday, December 11, 2017

Teaching in Swim Shorts ;)

My comp Elder Davis from Oregon

Yesterday a huuuge pouring rain came out of nowhere so we stopped at an investigators house and they were very nice and gave us clothes to change in to and let our church clothes dry, so we taught a lesson in swimming shorts, and i was in a tiny sweater that was almost a belly shirt it was great

Got canceled on like all week so we walked a ton

It rained like crazy and our apartment flooded :D

We get in a taxi on Tuesday and notice the guys spanish isn't very good and his phone is in english so were like where are you from and he said EGYPT, so we spoke in english he had a super cool accent, taught us a little bit of arabic, and the coolest part was that he is Christian :D he was interested in the church cause he said he couldn't really learn much about it in Egypt he said its very hard being a Christian there

We worked with a member one day, one of the days we got canceled on a ton and he's a suuuper good guy, after getting canceled on he's like ok this isn't working, lets go to your house or to the church or something, we need to pray, unfortunately we were far and didn't follow his council and kept trying to visit other investigators in the area, but he had the right idea

Thats all

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