Monday, January 29, 2018

Knowledge x Attitude = Ability

Had a good family night with a good lesson that this member had learned at some conference at his work, Our worth/ ability is the sum of our knowledge and ability multiplied by our attitude, or W=A(K + A) , which i like a lot cause we don't have to be the smartest or most talented, the attitude is the multiplier that makes the difference

We have a family of super good investigators and their landlady was giving them trouble because of the missionaries coming to her house, sooo, she's gonna move haha, thats dedication

Another family of investigators asked if they could pay tithing and they're not even members

I am getting spoiled by this ward

I love learning random phrases in quechua, i told my comp he was an idiot right in front of the mission presidents wife and she laughed, she doesnt' speak a lick of quechuaç

Got a new comp, Elder De La Hoz

So we left a members house and found this field and my comp wanted some pics so he walked through it and had a photo shoot, then I of course had to do the same, and i was doing different poses and my comps like "get one of you looking over your shoulder at the cam" i was like ok, so i held the pose, and right then i heard someone coming but i didn't really care, my comp took forever to take the pic so i was in that pose for ever, and then after i hear someone laughing their head off and its the member we had just visited, which was horrible cause he caught me posing in a field of flowers so he probably now thinks im a little feminine, and lazy cause we had left his house like 15 min before, so yeah heres the pic

Monday, January 22, 2018

Loving Colcapirhua

Totora Bolivia

Colcapirhua is my favorite ward

Visited totora bolivia its an old colonial town

One of the members invited an investigator family over to his house for a family night/bday party, and bought her daughter a bike

We mentioned to our Elders Quorum President we wanted to go somewhere for p day and he got all the information and last night sent us like 7 texts with all the details

At an investigator fams house and their 6 year old kid notices my shoes are dirty and he got a huge bag of baby wipes and started to clean my shoes

Members pick up investigators so we actually have investigators at church

A drunk guy on the street made an appointment with us but said to actually come cause when we come he said he wouldn't be drunk, which never actually works, or happens, but it did this time and he came to church and has been sober since

I got used to not having success and now im not doing anything different im just in a suuuuuuper good ward and the work is going good

Members did many more awesome things this week but i forgot

Have a good week

Elder Sweñson

Monday, January 15, 2018

Investigator Record!

Set a record yesterday with 10 investigators at church

In spanish, su means both your, and his, so we were with members talking about old missionaries and im like oh thats cool, do you remember su (his) name? and she thought i was asking her so she's like oh my names Laura, like why the heck would i just randomly ask her if she remembers her own name lol

I love the members that let us in their house with no warning when we just show up at their door after having 5 appts cancel on us and its a trillion degrees and were dead tired, i love those members

I think im gonna buy all our investigators a calendar so they can organize their time and actually be in their house when we make appointments lol

we had a family of investigators and their dad died which is horrible news but the good news is they all have a baptismal date, and were gonna prepare the dads name and they can go to the temple and watch someone be baptised for their dad, super sad story but they're an awesome family and the ward is bein super friendly and reaching out, other than that, same old same old, we had a fun zone activity today we played volleyball with water balloons and towels to catch and throw the water balloons, aaaaand yeah, transfers in 2 weeks! I get a new comp, and then then ext 1 or 2 transfers i go to my final area :D 

Still a good week tho, might have some baptimsh soon

Monday, January 8, 2018

Another Week in the Books

This computer gave my memory card a virus so I'll send pics next week ` :)

This super cool guy in our ward served in the states so he speaks perfect english, and is a flight attendant so he always goes to miami, he brought us back mountain dew, he is a champ

We read 2nd nephi 2 with a guy and after he shared his testimony about how cool the church is and the BoM and how everyone has the wrong idea of mormons, 

No idea what we did this week, we talked to people and taught lessons and slept, nothing else really happens

Members came in clutch this week and actually brought to church the investigators we assigned them, so do that 

I'll see yall soon

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

Orlando is baptized!
Orlando and Wilma are married!

a mask I found while cleaning

Christmas Breakfast!

So I have two weeks to write for and no idea what to write cause it all went so fast

Christmas Eve: Ate dinner with an investigator that lived in the states, so i ate good food in a nice house and spoke english so i was basically home 

Christmas : breakfast with the zone at an awesome members house he always does a huge christmas breakfast for the missionaries every year, then SKYPE!

I don't want to pick favorites but Colcapirhua has been my favorite ward, the members are too legit, too legit to quit

Orlando and Wilma were married so that Orlando could be baptized. It was a great wedding! the ward is so nice they threw a huge wedding reception

Orlando's cool, pretty quiet, only 21, super super humble, just like the textbook example of having child like humility, super good guy he does anything you say. very humble and obedient, and happy to be married and baptised. When we filled up the font it actually was leaking haha. we got it plugged tho and filled. 

Did nothing for new years but at midnight it was a war zone holy cow they don't mess around with the fireworks there was like 943059834259843 lit off at the same time 

Surprise I'm comin home this year