Had a good family night with a good lesson that this member had learned at some conference at his work, Our worth/ ability is the sum of our knowledge and ability multiplied by our attitude, or W=A(K + A) , which i like a lot cause we don't have to be the smartest or most talented, the attitude is the multiplier that makes the difference
We have a family of super good investigators and their landlady was giving them trouble because of the missionaries coming to her house, sooo, she's gonna move haha, thats dedication
Another family of investigators asked if they could pay tithing and they're not even members
I am getting spoiled by this ward
I love learning random phrases in quechua, i told my comp he was an idiot right in front of the mission presidents wife and she laughed, she doesnt' speak a lick of quechuaƧ
Got a new comp, Elder De La Hoz
So we left a members house and found this field and my comp wanted some pics so he walked through it and had a photo shoot, then I of course had to do the same, and i was doing different poses and my comps like "get one of you looking over your shoulder at the cam" i was like ok, so i held the pose, and right then i heard someone coming but i didn't really care, my comp took forever to take the pic so i was in that pose for ever, and then after i hear someone laughing their head off and its the member we had just visited, which was horrible cause he caught me posing in a field of flowers so he probably now thinks im a little feminine, and lazy cause we had left his house like 15 min before, so yeah heres the pic
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