Monday, July 30, 2018

Mission Failed, We'll Get 'em Next Time

I didn't fail the mission that's just a call of duty quote for when you lose haha, but it was a hard week, it was an Uyuni week (which means we had very few appointments and walked a lot and had sore legs and knee pain)

Buuuut we had a lot of investigators come to church, I was pretty sad cause 0 were there at the beginning and then 5 showed up so i was super pumped :D my tender mercy

Members that help are saints

I'm also a beast at monkey in the middle, just discovered that this week

I called a member that goes to visit ppl with us, and shows us the houses of less actives, and I wasn't really thinking and i was talking to him and kinda combined two things i wanted to say and i asked when we could go pasear which means when we could go for a walk hahaha he probably thinks I'm gay now

That is all

Monday, July 23, 2018

Visiting Betanzos




Me and some friends ate chicken last Monday for lunch and all of us got absolutely destroyed with food poisoning, it's ok cause it's only the 900th time that's happened, wer'e all used to it

Also forgot to write that last Sunday we visited a member´s son in the prison, glad I'm not there. It was funny cause I had an antacid in my bag and when they were going through my bag and found it they thought i was trying to smuggle drugs into the prison

(I thought he'd seem a lot more dangerous but its this tiiiiny guy who just barely turned 18, very quiet, and his dear mother brings him food. but the prison was just like a miny city, 2 soccer courts everyone was just playin soccer, i thought it would seem more sketchy or dangerous, but it seemed pretty chill)

When we contact we find more less actives than investigators lol we just find their houses after knocking a bunch of doors, met an rm who was also the branch president forever ago but now is less active, which shows that err body has to endure to the end

A cool family this week tried to teach me about all the Bolivian/Catholic customs and traditions and alllll the saints and virgins and stuff and it confused the heck out of me

Spent 2 days in Betanzos, no one knows where that is, google it if you want, the mountains are cool, its just a super laid back farming community, with amazing weather and dope starry nights

Today i woke up with a sore throat, which is right after i got over the food poisoning, so ill just be sick forever and 70 lbs underweight :D

Just kidding i wont complain, only 30 lbs underweight :D

the FUNNIEST thing of the week, in betanzos we ate with the pensionista and her mom is just like an ancient cholita, super old, about 4 inches shorter than me when I'm sitting, super funny lady, she was going off on another elder (4 of us were there) and she doesn't know that the middle finger is bad to flip up at ppl so she was just right in this elder's face, flipping him off and telling him something dumb like to eat his rice or something and we were dying laughing and she thought we were laughing cause of her being funny so she just kept doing it lol

Monday, July 16, 2018

Always an Adventure

Left my camera at the pensionistas house so no pics this week sorry

We were looking for a member's house and most houses don't have numbers and a lot of the streets don't have names so it's always an adventure, we were asking around trying to find the house and we're at a little store and this lady comes in and is like hi elders! and I knew she was an active member but didn't know her name lol but I was like hey do you know where hno martin lives? she laughed and smiled and said yes, and then led us 1 block away to her house, she is his wife...

God bless the members that help us out

Sometimes we really don't have much to do... We still work and try tho 😅

Monday, July 9, 2018

4th of July Miracle

Kay so I'
m not getting trunky but I went on splits with a newer missionary this week and he had the same old spice hair product that I used when I was home (which is definitely not sold here) and the smell brought back sooooooo many memories wow...

5 new investigators this week, it's a 4th of July miracle!

Alright so last week I sent a selfie with this adorable little girl in our ward, yesterday at church she had me and my companion crying in laughter, during sacrament she rolls up and has a little notebook and pen, and starts writing a story for us, and we read it one sentence at a time, so at the end I read the last part in her crooked handwriting then just looked up at her smiling face and me and my comp lost it, here's the story: A little duck couple had some eggs. and they hatched. one of them was ugly. so they kicked him out, end. It might not sound funny but we died.

I like to play basketball on short hoops with short people

"You can count the number of seeds in an apple but you cant count the number of apples in a seed"

"To get into heaven you have to take it with you"

Monday, July 2, 2018

Cerro Rico

This place is dangerous for tall people

Stairway to nowhere

Drunk on peanut butter

Last week's hike

The temple

Hiked cerro rico today

Went to cochabamba this week and we had an awesome meeting with Elder Montoya of the 70, he taught a super good class

We got a new investigator this week which hasnt happenned for a while :D

Made brownies like 3 times with different families so im getting fat

Nothing else happenned