Monday, July 30, 2018

Mission Failed, We'll Get 'em Next Time

I didn't fail the mission that's just a call of duty quote for when you lose haha, but it was a hard week, it was an Uyuni week (which means we had very few appointments and walked a lot and had sore legs and knee pain)

Buuuut we had a lot of investigators come to church, I was pretty sad cause 0 were there at the beginning and then 5 showed up so i was super pumped :D my tender mercy

Members that help are saints

I'm also a beast at monkey in the middle, just discovered that this week

I called a member that goes to visit ppl with us, and shows us the houses of less actives, and I wasn't really thinking and i was talking to him and kinda combined two things i wanted to say and i asked when we could go pasear which means when we could go for a walk hahaha he probably thinks I'm gay now

That is all

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